Living In A Village - Information Sheet L6
Residents’ Committees
The Victorian law gives residents who have signed a valid site agreement in a land-lease village, the right to form and to take part in residents’ committees. Only one Residents’ Committee is permitted in each land-lease village.
Residents’ Committees are for the purpose of supporting the residents with information about living in the land-lease village, arranging social events for the residents and liaising with the village owner, or the delegated manager/caretaker, on behalf of the residents.
It is good practice for village owners and residents to solve any problems by coming to an agreement and in this situation, the Residents’ Committee may be of assistance.
The village owner must not unreasonably interfere with the site tenants’ right to participate in a Residents’ Committee and must provide suitable internal accommodation for committee meetings. The full rights of the residents (who are referred to as site tenants in the law) are covered in Part 4A of the Residential Tenancies Act.
Should the village owner wish to change the rules in the land-lease village; remove or substantially restrict a facility or service available in the village; or provide a new facility or service in the village, the Residents’ Committee, if there is one, must initially be consulted.
Before implementation of any of the above situations, the village owner must provide details in writing, to all residents and allow at least 14 days for any written responses from residents. The village owner, or the local managers, must consider the content of those responses and in turn, must answer in writing.
If the residents agree, the Residents’ Committee may co-ordinate the responses from the residents and liaise with the village owner or local managers on their behalf.