Supporting Owners of Manufactured Homes

P.O. Box 427, Kilmore, Vic 3764

Manufactured Home Owners Association Victoria

Buying Into A Village

Buying Into A Village - Information Sheet B1


Manufactured Homes in Land-Lease Villages

Owning a manufactured home in a land-lease village is very different to owning a conventional house, and there are substantial differences between the laws governing the two.

Buying Into A Village - Information Sheet B2


Site Agreements and Legislation

Under the Residential Tenancies Act 1997 (Part 4A), and the Residential Tenancies Amendment Act 2018, when you buy into a Land-Lease village in Victoria, you will need to sign a written contract with the site owner, commonly known as a Site Agreement.

Buying Into A Village - Information Sheet B3


Prohibited Terms

There are several things that are not allowed, under the law, to be included in a site agreement.

Buying Into A Village - Information Sheet B4


Condition Reports

When buying into a land-lease village, prospective buyers must be given 2 copies of a Site Condition Report, prepared by the village owner or their agent, before they move in.

Buying Into A Village - Information Sheet B5


Exit Fees

One of the largest fees for home owners, may be a Deferred Management Fee (DMF) or as it is often known, an Exit Fee. Not all village owners charge DMFs but they are currently quite common.

Supporting Owners of Manufactured Homes


We would like to thank and acknowledge Mercy Foundation for their assistance in funding our website

Manufactured Home Owners Association (Vic) Inc

Incorporation Number: A01179410

  • P.O. Box 427, Kilmore, Vic 3764
  • 0431 347 797

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Disclaimer: Information on this website contains general information and opinions of MHOA Victoria. It should not be considered as legal advice or a substitute for legal advice.